Attergauer 4 hill tour - Buchberg, Kronberg, Lichtenberg, Koglberg

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Starting place: 4880 St. Georgen im Attergau
Destination: 4880 St. Georgen im Attergau

duration: 11h 1m
length: 35,3 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.146m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.143m

Lowest point: 511m
Highest point: 888m
difficulty: medium
condition: difficult
panoramic view: Great panorama

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Street, Hiking trail, Other

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The 4 summit tour includes the four peaks of the Attergau. Along the way on 35.4 km and 1170 meters of altitude, the "house mountains" of the Attergau await you.

Buchberg: fantastic view of the Attersee, Höllengebirge, Dachstein, and much more.
Lichtenberg: lookout tower with a magnificent 360° panoramic view,
Kronberg: lookout point at the Kronberg chapel and ski lift and
Koglberg: Kelten.Baum.Weg and old ruin site of the ruin Kogl.
Start: Parking lot Keltenbaumweg, traffic circle Kogl
The starting point for this hike is the parking lot at the Keltenbaumweg at the Kogl traffic circle in St. Georgen im Attergau. Walk about 50 meters towards the center of St. Georgen before turning left. Go straight ahead and follow the signs to Wanderweg Buchberg. The path leads you through the village in the direction of Alkersdorf, here you can already expect the 1 summit of the 4 summit round. 

Buchberg- small mountain with a big panorama (780 m)
Follow the signs Buchberg/Jagastüberl, the path leads you along a forest road to the summit of the Buchberg. Next to the summit cross including a refuge, the Jagastüberl, a breathtaking view of the Attersee awaits you. After a short rest, continue hiking in the direction of Attersee am Attersee (beware, it's steep). From Attersee am Attersee follow the signs towards St. Georgen until you reach the village of Palmsdorf. From here the path leads you through the village Abtsdorf up to the Kronberg to the Kronberg chapel. 

Kronberg- Viewpoint Kronberg Chapel (789 m)
The Kronberg has an altitude of 789 m and borders the valley around St. Georgen im Attergau next to the Buchberg and the Lichtenberg.
The chapel on the Kronberg (Maria zur Immerwährenden Hilfe) is located in the municipality of Straß im Attergau and dates in its current form from the 1870s.
The square in front of the chapel offers an excellent view of the northern Attersee and the landscape of the Attergau. Ideal for a rest is the Hollerweger snack station opposite (open daily May to Oct.).
From the Kronberg Chapel, the trail leads you along the Glücksweg to Wildenhag. In Wildenhag, turn left after the Hotel Waldmühle and then left again shortly after. The road turns into a meadow path shortly after. Follow the path until you reach the village Buch. In Buch turn right and follow the road for a short distance before turning left towards Bergham on concrete tracks. At the end you turn right, cross a bridge over the highway here and then keep left towards Thalham. After crossing the Oberwanger Landesstraße, the trail leads to the right, past the Thalham dog training area, then immediately turn left. Afterwards the hiking trail leads you along the Klausbach up to the Lichtenberg.

Lichtenberg- highest point in the Attergau (885 m)
Follow the signs Lichtenberg up to the Attergau lookout tower.
The Lichtenberg with a height of 885 m is the highest elevation in the municipality of Straß. On the eastern part of the Lichtenberg is also the highest elevation of the municipality Berg im Attergau with 880 m and the municipality St. Georgen i. Attergau with 820 m, just below the summit.

From the Attergauer Aussichturm, the trail leads you along hiking trail 1b and then 1c to the village of Kogl.

Koglberg- Ruin site Ruin Kogl (680 m)
In Kogl, turn right after the Kogl Rehabilitation Center and follow the road for a short distance until a hiking trail along avenues of trees leads you right up into the forest to the Koglberg (signposted Keltenbaumweg).

Along the Kelten.Baum.Weg you have the possibility to make a short detour to the ruin Kogl - just follow the signs Ruine Kogl, which will automatically lead you back to the Kelten.Baum.Weg.

Kogl Castle was built in 1264 - there were many changes of ownership and until the beginning of the second half of the 18th century, the castle was not permanently inhabited after that, so decay set in. As a result, the new Kogl Castle was built around 1750 at the foot of the Kogl Mountain. There is also an old stand of larch trees to admire.

Stay along the Keltenbaumweg, after the ruins of Kogl Castle it leads you past the adventure playground as well as the Vogl Anna Platzl lookout point. Now the path goes slightly downhill back to the starting point, the Keltenbaumweg parking lot at the traffic circle.

Walking times:
Parking lot - Buchberg: 1.5 - 2 hrs.
Buchberg summit - Kronberg summit: 3 - 3.5 hrs.
Kronberg summit - Lichtenberg summit: 3 - 3.5 hrs.
Lichtenberg summit - Koglberg summit: 1.5 - 2 hrs.
Koglberg - parking lot: 30 min.
Total: 35.4 km and 1170 vertical meters
Starting point: Parking lot at the traffic circle in Kogl in St. Georgen im Attergau.
Destination: Parking lot at the traffic circle in Kogl in St. Georgen im Attergau.

further information:
  • Flatly
  • Possible accommodation
  • Experience of nature
  • Board possible

Accessibility / arrival

From Salzburg via the A1 - exit St. Georgen im Attergau - continue right on the
Attergaustrasse L540 in the direction of the city center
From Vienna/Linz via the A1 - exit St. Georgen im Attergau - continue right on the
Attergaustrasse L540 direction center
From the west - Bad Ischl - Weißenbachtal (B153) - further on B152 to Unterach - then
on B151 to Attersee- further on L540 to St. Georgen im Attergau

By train:
Coming from Salzburg or Linz/Vienna with the "Österreichische Bundesbahnen" or the
"Westbahn" to Attnang-Puchheim, continue with the regional train to Vöcklamarkt
to St. Georgen im Attergau

Arrival in Salzburg or Linz/Vienna, continue by car/bus or train.

Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers
  • Suitable for teenagers
  • Suitable for seniors
  • Suitable for single travelers
  • Suitable for friends
  • Suitable for couples
Most economical season
  • Spring
  • Summer
  • Autumn

Please get in touch for more information.

Attergauer 4 hill tour - Buchberg, Kronberg, Lichtenberg, Koglberg
Tourismusverband Attersee-Attergau - Informationsbüro St. Georgen i. A.
Attergaustraße 55
4880 St. Georgen im Attergau

Phone +43 7666 7719 - 80

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 Interactive elevation profile

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Starting place: 4880 St. Georgen im Attergau
Destination: 4880 St. Georgen im Attergau

duration: 11h 1m
length: 35,3 km
Altitude difference (uphill): 1.146m
Altitude difference (downhill): 1.143m

Lowest point: 511m
Highest point: 888m
difficulty: medium
condition: difficult
panoramic view: Great panorama

Paths covering:
Asphalt, Street, Hiking trail, Other

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