Oberberiger weather-cross

Innerschwand am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
The cross is from the 18th cenury. Back then it stood on a junction of  an old street.
The Family Wiener renovated it in 1965. In 1968 a new street was built. In 1980 a renovation was neccessary. Forester Jakob Kainz donated the cross. the doublecross was made by Peter Strobl. Mister Bucar from Vöcklarbruck painted the figures. Pastor Edlinger made the dedication. Neigbours and geusts took part in the celebation. the cross was renovated in 2011 and in 2017 after a heavy storm.
Accessibility / arrival


Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Oberberiger weather-cross
bei Bergen 73
5311 Innerschwand am Mondsee

Phone +43 6232 4166
E-Mail info@ortedesglaubens.at
Web www.ortedesglaubens.at/mondsee

Contact person

Pfarre Mondsee
Kirchengasse 1
5310 Mondsee am Mondsee

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