Police Mondsee

Mondsee am Mondsee, Oberösterreich, Österreich
Service number of the police: 059-133

By dialing this number, you are automatically connected to the nearest police station, no matter your location in Austria. If you wish to report a criminal offense, give indications of wanted offenders or objects, or if there is a danger to life, limb or material, please contact the nearest police station.

It is recommended that you do not send e-mails due to criminal offenses, as no immediate measures can be guaranteed in this case. The personal presence at a police station saves questions about the factual situation and allows the necessary identification of the witness in a short way.
Travelling by public transport
Route planner for independent travellers

Please get in touch for more information.


Police Mondsee
Am Moos 619
5310 Mondsee am Mondsee

Phone +43 59133 4167 - 100
Fax machine +43 59133 4167 - 109
E-Mail PI-O-Mondsee@polizei.gv.at
Web www.polizei.gv.at/ooe/lpd/dst/diens…

Contact person

Polizeiinspektion Mondsee
Am Moos 619
5310 Mondsee am Mondsee

Phone +43 59133 4167 - 100
Fax machine +43 59133 4167 - 109
E-Mail PI-O-Mondsee@polizei.gv.at
Web www.polizei.gv.at/ooe/lpd/dst/dienststellen.aspx?org=5146466D46634F304F5A733D

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